
Name and Address

1. The name of the club is Beckenham Running Club.  The club’s headquarters is at Beckenham Cricket Club, Foxgrove Road, Beckenham, BR3 5AS, or as may be decided by the Committee and approved by the members at a General Meeting (see notes 6 and 7).  


2. The object of the Club is the promotion of amateur athletics.  


3. The management of the Club is vested in a Committee consisting of a minimum of four and a maximum of eight members, comprising Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Captain plus four other members, each to be elected annually and approved in a vote at the Club’s annual AGM, by show of hands.  A minimum of one officer plus 3 other members shall form a quorum.  

The Committee shall meet to discuss Club matters a minimum of 4 times per annum.

The Committee has the power to second any Club member to assist on Committee matters and join Committee meetings.  


4. A candidate for membership must apply in writing on a form provided for the purpose and presented to the General Secretary of the Club for approval by the a minimum of two members of the Committee. 

The Committee shall have the power to expel any member, in which case the Committee will give one month’s notice in writing to the member, explaining the reasons for the expulsion.  


5. The rates of annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM, based on a recommendation from the Committee.  Membership fee shall be paid annually, unless specifically agreed in any case by the Secretary and the Treasurer.  

The Secretary shall be responsible for arranging for a subscription renewal notice to be sent to each current member as each annual membership falls due.  Any member whose renewal subscription is not paid within six weeks of the renewal date, or within six weeks of receipt of the notice, whichever is the latter,  may be deemed by the Committee to have resigned.  

No pro-rata or other return of membership fee shall be made to any member who leaves the Club during the year, except as specifically agreed by the Committee.  

Annual General Meeting

6. A General Meeting shall be held annually during the month of November, to receive the Committee’s report and financial statement, elect Officers and Committee, and deal with any other matter specified on the Agenda.  

The Secretary shall give all members twenty-one days’ notice of the meeting.  

Any member may raise an item or items to be included in the Agenda, by giving notice to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.  

Extraordinary General Meeting

7. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time, subject to the Secretary giving all members twenty-one days’ notice of such meeting.  

An Extraordinary General Meeting may also be called by Members’ petition, to be signed by a minimum of ten members, stating the specific business to be brought before such meeting, and delivered to the Committee.  No other business shall be discussed.  

The Secretary shall give twenty-one days’ notice of such meeting to all members.  

Alteration in Rules

8. No alteration or addition may be made to the Rules except by a General Meeting.  Notice of any proposed amendment must be given as provided in Rules 6 and 7.


9. The Club may be dissolved by majority decision of a Special General Meeting, voting on a motion of dissolution presented by an elected officer of the Committee.  Such meeting shall be considered quorate if it is attended by at least 40% of the membership registered at the time the notice of the meeting is issued, which must be at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.  

On dissolution of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the non-cash assets at its own discretion; where these are sold, the proceeds shall be added to the cash assets (bank and other accounts).  

The total cash assets shall be divided equally between the members registered at the time the notice of the dissolution meeting was issued. 

Last updated November 2015